Thursday, June 16, 2011


It feels soooooo good!
I know we should not feel too proud or too boastful but for once....I feel all of those things and more.  I work in an agency within state government that was consolidated from many agencies.  We came together with a lot of negativity and hard feelings.  There are people that still hold grudges and try really hard to undermine the work we do.  People who in the past I thought were friends.  It is sad and I pray constantly for the situation.  I have said over and over here that I LOVE the work I do.  I see the good things that are produced and come from our office.

I could go on and on about how administrations have changed and with every one comes change as welll.  This administration could care less and has no direction.  The last knew exactly what they wanted and we had almost too much direction.  I know there is a happy medium somewhere out there.  With no direction comes no consistency and no unified message about the state.  It is sad to see these agencies not do their best work.

Oh well...we can't make a horse drink can we!!

Last night my work team was honored for the good work we do and we do great work.  We were awarded at our local  PRSA awards dinner a total of 11 awards.  We were playing with the big dogs in our state and we were passing them in many instances.  It was awesome!!  I have always known I work with award winning people but don't think they always believe that about themselves.  Last night everyone else in the public relations, advertising and marketing community knew it too!!  We even won the overall "Best of" along with one of the better known  agencies in the business.  It was an awesome night.

We are told over and over by our agencies we work with how we aren't good enough.  We don't do it well enough and this is when you want to scream...oh yea!!!

Nehemiah 6:9
They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, "Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed." But I prayed, "Now strengthen my hands."

People don't want you to shine.  They don't want you to succeed.  I don't know why they feel so threatened.  Years ago I found this great little book called "The Message of Leadership" how to be a leader based on the book of Proverbs.  The wisdom is Godly and I try hard to live by it turning my back on evil and always working hard and trying to do the right thing no only in my life but in business, too.  I think for the next few days that is what you will hear from me.  It is never too late to turn that attitude around !!

I know today I will go back to work and it will be back to the grindstone but for a few minutes I am basking in this great feeling of  JOB WELL DONE!!!!

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