Monday, May 16, 2011


Have you ever thought what heaven is like?  Mark and I one time had the conversation right after our neighbor died.  We were sitting on the back porch feet on the deck railing and started like this:
I think heaven is like all your favorite things.
I think heaven is laying in bed all day
I think heaven is laying in bed, with a breeze blowing through the window.
on fresh sheets
hung outside to dry

That makes me think I want to be there.
I am not real sure what heaven is like...I have always felt it is the best of all we know.
It is church on all the best holidays, Easter and Christmas Eve...when the choir is at it's best and the organ is playing and the music is flowing.
Or when the Early Worship Band has a concert and we are all singing.
Or at one of our spring break of service overnights, when we are all together laying on the floor watching a movie and it just seems so right...or when all of us mission trip leaders sit around a table discussing some profound thought.
When things are just right and you know it.
When all is right with the world.
That's what heaven is...

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