Monday, October 31, 2011

scary day

Since today is Halloween I thought I would talk about scary movies.  Have you ever seen the movie by Alfred Hitchcock called "The Birds"?  Talk about scary!  I remember watching as a kid.  I was petrified of birds after seeing that,  especially flocks of birds!  I knew they were going to peck my eyes out!

This morning I was sitting here at the computer and heard this noise and thought it was my washing machine since I am washing I kept ignoring it...but it didn't go away when cycles changed.  So, I went to investigate and in the three trees behind the house was a flock or two or three of birds.  Black birds (just like in the movie The Birds!) and the air was full of the hissing sound of those birds.  When I walked out the dogs went with me and they just stood there with me and took it all in.  What an amazing thing.  When we walked out they flew in a circle and came right back and landed in the same trees. 

One of my favorite movies is "Winged Migration" it has no vocals but are just these beautiful shots of birds in flight.  I love independent films and wish so much we had an independent movie theater in Charleston.  I remember seeing this movie in Shepherdstown.  Zack, when he was little would watch it for hours. 

There is nothing that says fall is coming more than Canada geese flying in formation over the house, close to the roof as they ready to land at the golf course.  I love to stand and watch them fly over.

Fall is here and another year will soon pass.  I finally feel like I've come full circle.  If I could sing the Lion King song "The Circle of Life" I would about now!! Isn't it funny life's circle and I guess through it all you have to be comfortable with yourself.  You have to know what and who you are.  What and who you believe and what and who you will serve.  I am God's and he is mine. 

I get it God...I don't need "Be still and listen" anymore!

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