Monday, April 11, 2011


THE fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
Carl Sandburg
Saturday night I got home really late and I was very tired.  My house sits on the river and the fog was so thick, I missed my exit off the highway.  I suddenly looked up and I noticed a BP station at the next exit and knew there was something wrong.  Sure enough with the fog I didn't see it.
I got off and creeped up the road to my house...creeped...I didn't want to miss that too!
As I turned in my drive I couldn't see the house...I knew I left lights on...nothing.

It was the kind of night that spooks you! You can believe in scary things that go bump in the night.  Every horror movie has fog for a reason!
I always let the dogs out immediately and I could not see them leave the back porch it was that foggy.  The dogs get me up several times during the night....and each time it was still foggy.  But with the dawn....came the light.

Our lives get like foggy that we can't see what is around us.  We can't make out where we are or where we're headed...all looks the same and kind of spooky. But wait for the dawn.  The new day will bring new beginnings and you will see the light.

It all seems better in the light of day. Surely there is scripture about the dawn of a new day...

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