Monday, September 5, 2011

God's time not my time

I thought I lost my blog site...ooops I put in the wrong email address...

Today was one of those days...a day to curl up in bed with a book...dogs snuggled down...I fell asleep at one point and woke up to a dog laying beside me, snoring...but that was the kind of day it was.  I cooked all afternoon...I don't know why...I probably won't eat half of it...but it was a cooking kind of day, too.

I guess all of that points to comfort.  It was a comfort kind of day.  I also stripped more wallpaper glue.  It was Labor I did some labor...stripping wallpaper glue takes patience.  It is tedious and requires you to take it slow and steady.  You can't get in a rush...and you can only do a little bit at a time.  I have a blister on my finger from scraping. 

That's where I am in my life right now, too.  I need to be slow and steady.   I want things to happen RIGHT NOW....but I know God is telling me to take it slow and steady.   He has been telling me this for a while now...remember that "be still and listen thing"?...and I am trying, really I am but patience is not a virtue of it is a struggle as I work on not jumping too fast or trying to make things happen.  All in God's time...not my time.

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