Thursday, September 1, 2011

kung fu girl

I just had to type that!! I skyped with my grand kids last night and after they went to bed...with Nick and Jennifer...we had a wine night via Skype!!  Jenn was drinking Kung Fu Girl.  A local Washington wine.  Who would ever name a wine that?  That just cracks me up.  Does it make you act like a KFG? What does a KFG act like? YAW!!

Anyway, last night was my Disciple class...and boy were we on a roll.  Ever heard the phrase:  don't publicly air your dirty laundry? Well it was blowing in the wind last night! The lesson was on pain and the suffering of Christians.  The questions at the end which always get us stirred, were on splits in the congregation...and it touched a nerve...we talked about the way the church is operated and who actually runs the church.  OMG. 

As we all KNOW God should be at the forefront with our sights always on him....wrong!  Then it should be Greg...our pastor....wrong.   It is the person that tells everyone what they can't and can do in the building.  Who made them boss? I guess we did by never standing up and saying STOP.  They can be the most hateful person.  If they actually aren't...they need a good PR firm because that is how they come across.  Christian? Ha!

Why is there one in every church?  Why is there that one person that makes everyone else miserable?  We decided last night it was the "us"'s all about them (hateful person) and not about God.  Priorities are screwed up!

The motto of the Methodist church is Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors which just makes me howl.  We wish that's what it was!  It should be My Heart (because it is all about me!), Closed minds (it is only my way and we've done it that way for 100 years), Open Doors only if you come at a certain time, don't get the floors dirty, door is unlocked and don't touch the paper products in the kitchen and you must read every negative sign in the building ooops I almost forgot QUIET! Sandy, I must confess, I am the one who sometimes tears down those signs you are told to put up.  Our poor church secretary, I am sure she could blow a gasket some time because of all she hears and is told to do!
That felt good to get off my chest!  God doesn't care about ANY of that stuff!  We are the only ones that care if an outside group borrows a paper cup.  WE CARE.  There is always the other side to the coin.  That person may just, what a giving church...that's what a church is suppose to be like!  Instead of receiving a call the next day saying "You used one of our paper cups that will be $1."  This is the face the community sees and you think the community doesn't talk! Ha!  

All we can do is pray for our church.  That we remember why we are here.  We are called in scripture to "Go and make disciples"  Lets hope the ones we make have open hearts, open minds and open doors! I think my new goal is to be " God's Kung Fu Girl"! YAW!

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