Sunday, September 18, 2011

people placed in our lives

Today I lost a friend.

My friend Kathy was one of the most gracious people I know.  She was to me the face of a Christian woman.  We talked a couple of weeks ago about her girls and that is the only time I've seen her break down through these four and a half years of battling cancer.  But, we ended by wiping away the tears and agreeing ...she and Dave had raised them be independent, to be in church, to be giving and to know their God.  What an example she has been to her girls...teaching them about strength, humility, love, kindness, patience.  What an example  their dad has been as a caring, loving husband.  What more could you ever give your children than that...what more was there to do?

God will say to her, Job well done my good and faithful servant.

The thing I loved about Kathy...I've heard so many people today call her "my cheerleader" and that she was.  When I was struggling through the divorce...I remember crying with her one night and saying "While I was busy doing what I thought was God's work he was busy finding someone else." and she didn't skip a beat...she believe in God, you have to trust God...he has a plan and we don't know what it is...but have faith....this lady who had her own struggles at the same time as me was comforting me.....that's why she was our "cheerleader". 

Throughout I never heard her complain...I never heard her say "why me" and she always thought of others or worried about others. 

The youth at our church were shaken today.  They struggled to understand.  What an influence she was to them without probably even knowing it.  Dave, Kathy and the girls have supported them through many a spring break of service and mission trip.  The family is a part of their life, their world.  Nothing is suppose to happen to people you know and love.

People are placed in our lives, for a lifetime or for a short time...God gives us the gift of a Kathy bless us and show us his way and how to live for his glory... It has been a joy to know her and to have her be a part of my life and she will never leave me.  She has touched and left her heart with all of us. 

She is home now and enjoying it all in the presence of our Lord.  Live it up and prepare a place for us.  I love you dear friend.

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