Monday, October 24, 2011

first day

As I have mentioned, I have lost a lot of weight...I still have those last 20 I would like to lose...I think when you get to your dream weight you always want more...I should be happy where I it is time to get this bag of bones moving.  I have committed with my sorority sisters to run a 5K race this spring.  Today I started the training.  I picked the MAYO training regime.  I guess I fell for the name!  It has to be healthy, right!!

So I got up about 4:30, fed the dogs, and dressed for success in my spandex...scary early in the morning!
I realized when you are watching the clock 30 minutes goes really fast.  I am working on the treadmill since it is so early and I have a really busy day ahead of me.  I ran 30 sec and fast walked for 60 for 30 minutes and added a 5 minute walking warm up and 5 minutes of walking cool down.

A few things I found out....boobs bounce no matter the size.  I have on a sports bra and when I lose weight boobs are the first place I do it...and these suckers feel like they are going to bounce right off...they have a mind of their own.  I wonder if duct tape works.

I sweat!! I know I do but I was pouring this morning...I started out with a shirt on and was stripping in no time..My dogs sat all around me just watching...I bet they were taking bets on how long I would last.

I don't pick up my feet...I have a tendency to skuff my feet.  I have a friend taking tap dance right now and maybe that's what I need to PICK UP MY FEET.  I always knew I was a rock kicker when I hike but I will be when I run, too.  There has to be a prescription for this.  Falling on my face would probably do it!

But through all of this I can say...I did day one!! I have started...April is getting closer.
I know there is scripture about running a good race...I hope this gets me on the track to do just that!
I'll keep you posted.

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