Monday, October 10, 2011

moms had to happen some time!  My boys warned me against this...but I have to spit it out...I have to say it...I have to talk about it...the relationship between a mother and daughter. 

Since I don't have girls it is hard for me to see it from the mother side...but I have a I can tell it to you from the daughter side!

My mom is a fireball...people describe her as feisty...and that is something, I think I inherited from her.  I should make a list of her good qualities because she has many.  But I seem to focus on the therapy is needed!

My roommate on the recent beach trip and I sat up one night talking and the topic of therapy came up.  She said her therapist asked about her controling mother.  It made me wonder why my counselor and I never talked about my mother.  I am sure she is all-over a lot of why I am the way I am. (talk about a sentence that made no sense!)

To give you an example of my mother and the thing that drives me nuts about her.  My entire life she has been on me about my weight.  I am too heavy...I need to walk to get some of that weight off...I have such a pretty face...she told her heart doctor, with me in the room, "tell her she needs to lose about fifty" I know this guy...Awkward! probably know the drill.  So I recently lost 90...check it out 90 pounds....what does she say?  NOTHING!! NADA...NIL...I've seen her several times...gone to lunch, eaten healthy...NOTHING...Recently we were sharing money woes....she said to me..."I think you feed those dogs and not yourself, you look awful."  So there is no pleasing her....if I am fat she is unhappy and if I am skinny she is unhappy...get my drift...and we wonder why we are so screwed up!!!

Boys, forgive me now for any craziness I bring to your life and your upbringing...I always told Mac to tell me when I was acting like my mother and when he would call me Jerry...I would get so doesn't fall far from the tree does it!!

We always say we will never be like our mothers and it never fails... we are more like them the older we get!!! ( I just realized I write with a lot of exclamation points...or maybe it is just the topic!!)
I hope I always remember those good things about her and those are the traits I bring to the table the older I get.  Boys, remember your mother loves you and thank God I didn't have a daughter!!

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