Wednesday, October 19, 2011

mental pause

Today I am going to talk about Menopause.  Periods.  That kind of thing.
Guys now is the time to jump out of here.

About five years ago I started with the hot flashes.  I hate hot flashes.  They start on the inside of your body and it feels like you are burning from the inside to the out.  It isn't like getting hot in summer, it is burning hot.
Then those hot flashes stopped.

I had normal periods up until my life trauma with Mark and I just chocked it up to stress. I didn't have a period for 8 months then suddenly here they came again.  I was always a very regular woman.  Every 28 days on schedule...5 days...heavy two and then winding down.  Never changed. Then two years ago it started with the 8 month stretch of none.  I thought this is it!  I am done.  If you are a guy and still reading...they suck! I looked so forward to never having a period again. 

At this point I will tell you my funny period mom always told me guys had this built in radar that told them when women were having periods...(that has to be an old wives tale) so guess what I thought that penis was for!! (make a radar sound here!!) and you wonder why my marriage failed!!

So I have now gotten to the point where I have a period every other month.  I am really sick of this...either come on full bore or nothing...not this off and on stuff.  And the hot flashes are back...where did they come from??!!??

When the hot flashes started I went online looking for menopause info...why is this happening and what is
happening...look at what I found.

Mood swings and swings from low to high energy, general irritability...(yea just mess with me some days!  Ask my employees about this one...this could explain some people I work with!)

Drop in serotonin in the brain, or feel-good chemicals, which may cause loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, aka depression. (Get the hell away from me!)

Hot flashes.  Suddenly feeling the need to get outdoors (if it is cool) and get some air, having night sweats.  This may or may not be accompanied by irritability. (AC at work going up and down is a prime sign of this one!)

Decrease in female hormones leading to a possible change in libido - this is not always the case. Some women even report a greater desire for sex.  (OK so that explains it! Look out men!!)

Reduction of vaginal secretions, along with general dryness, thinning and/or loss of elasticity of skin, sometimes causing painful intercourse (that messes with the previous one doesn't it!) (OK my skin is hanging off my body like a dress on a hanger.)

I remember Mark telling me my dad gave him a piece of advice.  If you can make it through her menopause you can make it through anything.  Guess he couldn't do it! Assh*)&...I guess I can blame that response on those mood swings! 

The thing I hate most about this is the mental pause.  At our recent beach reunion we laughed because it took all of us to remember and think of someones name, a city or an event.  We all are around the same age...that mental pause age!  Not only does our body take a pause so do our minds. 

Getting old!! What fun it is!! Younger ladies...someday you will understand!!

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