Monday, February 21, 2011

watch out... it breaks

I took up something I've always wanted to do after the divorce...stained glass...I've always wanted to give it a try so I did... I set up a small studio in the house where I dabble. Yesterday since I had some time I did some work. I've always been artistic but never had the time while raising kids to do anything with it...why do we loose our dreams??

I love glass...i love the colors...there is not just is teal, iridized, wispy,smooth, swirled.  One of the most well known glass makers is here in West Virginia, Wissmach glass...I never knew that...if you aren't careful you can learn something new every day.  A good friend used to say that to me all the time.  Wissmach glass is found in churches all over the neat! We never know where we will end up do we?!

You can't look at stained glass without just saying beautiful...knowing the time and exactness the little pieces take to create.... that's what I look at those little pieces...we stood last summer in the Upper Room in Nashville and looked at the large stained glass that defines that chapel and i said to the kids look at those little tiny pieces...Jesus' small...and exact and took lots of work.

Each piece of art is two pieces of art are the same.  You are different each time you create it.

You think glass breaks easily but the more you work with it you realize it is very strong and it is your fault if it didn't take into account the cut or how you are breaking it, which is what you are are literally breaking it when you cut it but breaking it how you want it to break...controlling the break!

Working with stained glass is a don't want to get yourself painted into a corner...when you can't get a piece in...then you have to take it all apart and start again.

God creates each of us and we are different...we are born, each beautiful, full of color, hard to break...each piece of us is amazing.  Then things happen to us...the color turns gray and black...there is very little color...we break because of things we do or things done to us...just like that glass..we are only breaking how we are told to break...we are a puzzle...sometimes we get wedged in and it is time to be torn apart and start again.

I am ready to start again...things have happened I didn't ask for and I am asking God to help me start over...bring the color back... all of those colors, the wispys and iridized...I want them all!! Bring back the Wow! I can't wait to get started...I can't wait to see the masterpiece he will create...the dreams that will be fulfilled.  Thank you Lord for this life.


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