Thursday, February 10, 2011

what does the lord require of you?

The scripture from Micah 6:8 has been popping up everywhere lately...when that happens I stop and take note...there is a message here...sometimes God has to slap me up 'side the head to listen!! I don't get it the first time around.

You know I am notorious for negotiating with my mother-in-law used to say tit for tat and butter for fat...quid pro do for me...I'll do for you...God sure is patient with me...I can't count the number of times I've made promises...only to break them....I think God knows better...he's been around us humans long enough to know we go back on our word.  We aren't very trustworthy.

There is no negotiating with God...he is in charge no matter how much I think I am!  It is probably a good thing he is charge because I can make a mess of things. 

So what does the Lord require of us?  To seek many times do we just sit still when there are things going on around us we don't believe in or we know to be wrong...we sit there and don't say a word...we are mum...Greg preached a sermon recently about how doing nothing is as bad as doing the wrong thing...APATHY...So stand up for what you believe in and what God says is right...

I think that is why I've been so disappointed in my family-in-law...these good Christian people going along with the adultery of their son and brother and never taking a stand...never saying "That is wrong"...his soul is in jeopardy and they don't want to offend him.  Or maybe they feel adultery is okay?   I am so disappointed in I know how God feels when we don't stand up for justice.  His disappointment in us.  But unlike me he doesn't turn away...he keeps on loving us...oh my, I should be listening!

OOOOps then comes the next kindness...or mercy...depending on which version you I guess I should forget the former paragraph and forgive those in-laws...shucks...I don't want to...But God requires this of love kindness...I will work on that one.

The final requirement is to walk would be so hard to walk humbly with God...I would be bragging..telling everyone "I am here walking with God"..."be jealous...look at me"in human nature those two things just don't go together do they??

Wow!  I don't fit any of those God requirements...that must be why God keeps hitting me with that scripture...  Will I ever get this God stuff right?  Thank goodness he never gives up on me...that is my requirement of him!

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