Saturday, July 23, 2011

those politicians!

So, in the face of all of the CRAP (that is with a capital CRAP) going on in Washington with the debt crisis...this proverb is for the politicians...

Proverbs 25:4-7
Remove impurities from the silver
   and the silversmith can craft a fine chalice; (remove all of those crazies from Washington and maybe something pure will come out of there!all the while realizing we can't all think alike!)
Remove the wicked from leadership (those self centered, me people lining their pockets and those of friends)
   and authority will be credible and God-honoring. (that would be a switch!)

 6-7 Don't work yourself into the spotlight;
   don't push your way into the place of prominence. (tea party read this over and over!)
It's better to be promoted to a place of honor
   than face humiliation by being demoted. (maybe this is for the media!)

i watched the news the other day interviewing normal Americans on the street...saying these crazy politicians need to work together...and then the reporter talked to the crazy politicians who said  "No...we have an agenda" domination or what??? I have worked my entire career as a public servant...I've seen administrations come and administrations go...and I have watched year after year as buddies and friends get rich off of taxpayers and hard working West Virginians...we may only be here 4 we better line some pockets of those who put us in power and FAST...

I can't imagine what it is like on a national level but it is scary to think it is just like this but on a much larger!  What has happened to political debate in this country?  What has happened to sitting down and talking about issues?  My mother swears it is the younger generation getting in office... that "me" generation coming to power...and it will get worse before it gets better...who some point in time...everyone is going to have to play together or nothing is going to get is called give a little...i give a little and don't forget WHO put you in office...the people who are sick of this bickering! 

You will soon know my politics and I should preface this by saying some of my best friends are right wing crazies and Todd bite your tongue that you ever even hinted that I lean that way!!!...I am a flaming liberal...flaming!!
I went to lunch with my ex sister in law the other leave a family for a little while and those crazy right wingers take over...OMG...that conversation stopped before it got started...I bet they now think Sarah Palin is an Einstein!! If Obama had done NOTHING when he took office about the budget they would be bitching because there was NO social security and medicare....and they'd be HOMELESS!! And as a religious person, these religious crazies just give all of us a bad helps their election to be religious so they are today but the entire time I am cheating on my wife ....sounds like some people I know...As Scott and I say at least the Democrats admit to being flawed....and Bachmann is going to pray the gay out of you? (thanks Leslie for that quote!) What? I believe in the power of prayer but I also think God gave us a brain to use not to sit and fester!!  And they are thinking about electing these people to run our country?? What happened to wisdom?

Politics and religion what do they say about get along you just don't mention it...but you have to discuss it and talk about a calm and rational manner....No matter your political leaning we should all be worried about our country and pray daily for our leaders believe me I prayed for George W daily...Remember proverbs and pray that God will show them the way....and remove the wicked from leadership! And purify the silver...Maybe we should all send them scripture to read daily starting with Proverbs!!

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