Saturday, July 30, 2011

what happily married women need to know

I went to the grocery store today...after I got my hair cut...and I realized something...married women don't take very good care of themselves...have you ever noticed how many women are overweight pushing buggies?  All of them have wedding rings...they are dressed like they just stepped out of the television and "What not to wear" is not always a pretty sight.  I was them at one time.  I was overweight...I never looked my best.  My hair wasn't done all the time.  My legs were hairy.  I only did my fingernails when I thought of it and a nice smelly bath was an occasion.  Now, I do all of those things all the time. 

As I walked through Kroger I tried to pick out the divorced women.  Those that looked a little nicer, smelled a little better, didn't look as harried and it set me back.  Divorced women have more time to take care of THEMSELVES!  There is no man demanding their attention.  It isn't we are looking for a man...we just suddenly like looking nice and we feel good about ourselves and have learned that the hard way! 

I've mentioned a lot the book "Runaway Husbands".  At the back of the book is a last chapter that is entitled:  What Happily Married Women Need to Know.  Unless I share with may not here goes.

If your husband has had affairs in the past or left a previous relationship in a similar way....prediction is..he has what it takes to do it again!

Does your hubby seem suddenly unhappy with his life, even if his complaints are not about the marriage..but may be about his job, the house,'s a sign that he may be rethinking "things".

Do you notice a personality change?  Is he just not himself?  Is he withdrawn or irritable? Does he snap at the kids (or in my instance, the grand kids).  He doesn't want to participate in family activities..

Are his habits changing? suddenly going to the gym? new clothes? gets a tattoo? buys an expensive car? (loses weight)

Are his values in flux? Is he adopting ideas contrary to what he used to think were important? Are his new beliefs baffling to you?

Does he disappear for periods of time? (mine disappeared on lunch hours! nooners!)  His reasons just don't add up?

Does he mention frequently someone at work? innocently, of course?

Is he in a position of power or authority? where young, vulnerable women may look up to him?

All of us women who have experienced husband's affairs can tell can happen to you.  Most of us would have said before this...there is no way my husband would ever...but guess can happen to ANYONE...I really don't know if a decent man exists.

Is there such a thing as a good marriage?  you look around and see many people married for many years... are they happy??...and you never know what goes on within a ladies..take care of yourself ALWAYS...don't wait until something bad happens to put your life in order and take care of YOU...You need to come first.

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