Sunday, July 10, 2011

what's that word

malapropisms : the act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, especially by the confusion of words that are similar in sound.

One day I said to my boss...I had consummated a project...he said "I don't thing so" that means you are having a really good time with that project!

I have this thing...I am always making up song lyrics into what I think they say...not what they actually are:
My kids have always made fun of me!  Mac always made fun of the little kids ditty:  Mares eat oats, does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy....I thought it was mersedos and doesido and little lambsdivey...all made-up and silly-words.  I blame that one on my mom!  She must have that syndrome,too!

This morning at church we sang, I keep falling in love with him, over and over and over and over and over and over again...there is a line about "as the days go by" to me that sounds just like "Dagobah" you know Luke's home planet on Star Wars!  The boy's and my running joke was always in the first Star Wars movie there is a scene...first I should explain my boys grew up sitting in front of the TV watching Star Wars! The best babysitter and they can quote the movie by heart...I know it!...Hans is in the cock pit of the Millennium Falcon and he says to young Luke...don't get cocky kid....we or I should say I always thought he was saying "Go get the car keys, kid!"  Cocky...Car Keys...see I've had this for a time...

I always thought the Hughie Lewis song...I Want a New Drug...was really I Want a New Truck!

There must be a drug for this!! makes for some really funny conversations...but you know...we all hear things differently!  I love how my kids will re-tell stories from childhood and it isn't a thing like I remember it!!  Where was I?

That's the thing about scripture is different things to different people...where you are in your walk with God and all going on in your personal life...will put scripture into a completely different perspective...having been through an affair by my husband, cheating, lying and other women...the scripture of the prophets of old take on an entirely new meaning when they talk of these same things in the time of the early Israelites...their woman dealt with the same feelings...their prophets got it... so whatever you need you can find in scripture...I love to show things to the youth they don't know is in the bible...some of the most erotic poetry is in Song of Songs...and usually around Valentine's Day we open our bible...I want them to know where to turn when things are good and when the tough things in life happen.

So don't get cocky and get my car keys!! Open your bible...

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