Saturday, August 6, 2011

dog hairs

I can't get away from them....I don't go out of the house without hairs!!  When you have five dogs they are matter how hard you work to keep them picked up!
Right now the dogs are in a major shed...which happens once a year...I can run the sweeper a zillion times a day...doesn't don't come to my house if you don't want to see little fur balls rolling across the floor.

I had a pastor one time as we stood and talked he would reach over and pluck them from my shoulder...and finally I said....Not going to help....there are a thousand more where that came from.

I don't understand why they aren't bald dogs...they should be as much as they lose.

You would think they would lose them before summer but it always happens right smack dab in the middle of the hottest time of year.  I guess so they appreciate less hair!!

The year we moved into this house they all had a major shed...I think it was the nerves of "What is going on?" and the stress...they all looked like they had mange.

Shedding the old is good...the new hair that comes in is beautiful....sometimes we have to get rid of the yukky old stuff to get the beautiful new remember that...God has a purpose for all of it...and most times the bad leads to the really good stuff.

Look around and shed your old stuff!!!  You might be surprised what God has waiting for you.

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