Tuesday, August 30, 2011

if not now then when

"Life...is for most of us one long postponement." Henry Miller

I have been such a slacker lately...I don't want to do anything but play and piddle...can you imagine!  Well, and cut grass.  Last night as I was cutting grass I thought this must be when you know it is time to retire.  When you don't want to go to work and you just want to stay at home and play.

But the thing is...you have to work to get money so you CAN stay home and play! 

I hate to think when I am laying on my deathbed I am thinking "why".   Why didn't I do this?  Why didn't I do that?  Why didn't I tell someone something?

Most of us put off things, things we would really like to do as much as things we really don't want to do.  I have always wanted to open a book store.  Why aren't I doing it?  What is holding me back?

I have always wanted to spend time in my art.  It is all sitting in my living room.  Why aren't I doing it? 

I always want to exercise more. ..but find excuses not to get up early enough to walk or use the treadmill.  But, I can get up early to get on here.

Doesn't make a lot of sense does it.  What is Jesus had put off everything he was to do.  What if he had postponed his date with Jerusalem?  What if he had just gone into the hills and played not preached?  What if he told those he was to heal to just wait a while? Where would we be today?

I need a swift kick in the butt to get myself going...no more slacking...no more postponing...What are you postponing?  What are you putting off?  The fun stuff? The tough stuff?

Make a pact with me...this new month we are at least going to start it!  OK?

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