Tuesday, August 9, 2011

may the force be with you...

I have taken to once again reading daily "Simple Abundance: The Daybook of Comfort and Joy".  Being the over-achiever I can sometimes be...I am a day ahead...so for tomorrow it talks about being ourselves.  Being true to ourselves.
A Rabbi Zusya is quoted as saying:  "If they ask me in the next world, 'Why were you not Moses?' I will know the answer.  But if they ask me 'Why were you not Zusya?' I will have nothing to say. "

Are you being the person you were created to be?  I've thought about this a lot lately...I've been having some glimpses into my life.  As I mentioned I am a bit of a Type A personality...a go go go getter.  I always thought God had big plans but I am starting to think maybe his plan for me is as a nurturer to others.  Maybe what I am best at is listening and encouraging others to find the path God has intended for them.  But I want the big aha! That everyone looks at me moment and says "Wow, did you see what Kim did!"  God probably knows that and is saying.."I can't give you that gift...you will give me NO credit!"  I've always said God wouldn't let me be skinny because I would be a total slut....now that I am skinnier I know that isn't true...so maybe I needed to learn a good lesson before he gives me a gift...I don't have slut in me!!

Obi Wan Kenobi tells Luke Skywalker "The Force is an energy field created by all living things.  It surrounds us, it penetrates us, it binds galaxies together."  Obi Wan encourages Luke to "follow your feelings, trust your feelings. Trust the Force"  God tells us the same...trust the Force that God has given each of us...the personal job we've been given by God...it may not be the job we were expecting but it may be the job that is needed right now.  The job that surrounds us, penetrates us and binds us together.  The job God is calling us to do at this point in time.  And he won't wait forever...if we don't jump on it...it just might go to someone else.

Here I am Lord...sometimes that is hard to say, especially if it is not what we want to hear from God...

1 comment:

  1. The job you are doing right now-right now-is God's gift. Rejoice and be glad in it.
