Sunday, August 14, 2011

gift from the sea

Since 1999 I have read off and on the book by Anne Morrow Lindbergh "Gift from the Sea".  I think since that time...which blows my mind...12 years ago...I've been struggling trying to find "me".  Who  I was, what I believed, what I wanted out of my life...maybe the divorce was inevitable from that time forward because I knew as we had aged Mark was not the person I would be with.  I wanted someone to discuss with...someone who loved to learn...someone who talked current events, politics, plays and books.  I knew that in my heart...but it took 12 years to find it in my soul!!

Today I opened "Gift from the Sea" know how things speak to you differently at different times of your is yelling at me now...I am to the point I am laughing about this!

Be still and listen...that scripture I can't hide from... keeps coming back...I must really not be getting this!! or listening the way I should.

The book starts off introducing you to the beach.
It talks about how you go to the beach with all of these work...and it doesn't happen because the beach takes over and you become one with walk, you wade, you lay...and it takes a week for the harriedness to seep out of you...then suddenly your mind kicks in and things start moving in there....but not in the way you thinks new ideas...
you patiently watch for things to appear.  You experience the beach in new ways.

Shells, stones, glass...they are all don't want to dig for them or look for them or chase to get them...YUK...that doesn't make it a gift...Patience...and faith...those things will be presented to a gift from the sea!  The sea will lay them at your feet...that perfect conch shell...the beautiful colors of a moon shell...if you have the patience and faith. 

I am so ready to stick my toes in some sand and see what I will be gifted with!  A gift from the sea....

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