Friday, August 26, 2011

today...another year!

I am at the up early this morning because I wanted to catch the sunrise.  My phone is of those things I am so bad I couldn't take a picture but decided I would have to describe the sunrise.  It was beautiful..A box of and yellow sunburst with pinks, fuscia, purple, lavender... streaks of blue, azure...the colors were all there. 

I had a meet turn into a date last night.  That's all I am going to say....I might add it was a 10!

Two years ago today I found out about Mark and decided to come back to the place where I found forgiveness last year.  This is a very special place to me and continues to become more special.

I took a five mile walk this morning to go experience the sunrise and got caught in a downpour about two miles into the walk.  I am soaking right now.  But it all feels good. I can't tell what is sweat and what is rain.  Boats are being pulled from the water as the town gets ready for hurricane Irene.

As I walked this morning I looked back over the past year and thought about all that has happened.  Last year I left here to go with Sarah and Justin to their first ultrasound where we found out Lilah would be Lilah!  We welcomed her into our family in December,  a late Christmas gift...and I was there and experienced her birth and watched my son feel all of the emotions.  I said goodbye to my Taylor and Zack.  I missed Nick as he left in January for a new life in Washington and I started wine nights with Jennifer and we became close friends as we discussed life and took care of life without men. I took a Disciple class and made new friends.  I questioned God.  Went back to therapy during the holidays and started new holiday traditions.

I started a new relationship with my ex-sister-in-law and I started to date.  You know it was a big deal for me to give my email or phone number to a man! There has only been one man...I found out I am not much of a floozie! Couldn't resist an urban dictionary definition!  Floozie:  What your Grandma calls a hoochie.  used in a sentence:
"That Paris Hilton just looks like a floozie to me," Grandma said, though of course we couldn't understand her without her teeth. (makes me laugh)

I continue to be blessed by God and he continues to walk with me, urge me and love me and I am grateful for his grace. 

I am happy and I think I realized that fact this year.  I am happy alone or not.  Greg asked me last night what I've learned through all of this and I said " I can survive" and I have.  Sometimes it takes someone a lifetime to find themselves or they never do.  This past year, I've found me and I like me.

This morning was a beautiful sunrise on a new year.  I can't wait to experience all God has planned for me and I am open to all of it.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28
Thank you God!

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