Monday, April 11, 2011

bad words

It never fails...every year we have a discussion in youth Sunday school about what is considered a "cuss" word or "bad" word.   Taylor one day told me she got in trouble for saying a bad word...I said what...she said it started with an "i"...I really had to think...what an IDIOT I am!  That's nothing sweetie!
I will share one of my greatest flaws....when I am upset and angry...I cuss like a sailor! would be surprised what comes out of my mouth...just flows like water! I just dad was like that.  He would get mad and BAM out it would come.

So, the kids in Sunday School class have decided...if it is in the bible it is OK to say it....ass passes the test....they think hell is in there too...I am not too sure about that one. 

I always tell is in how you use the word...flower could be a "bad" word if you used it to hurt someone.  I am sure the f-word probably didn't even exist in Jesus' day...they probably had another crude word they used.  I need to google that...OK, in the vain of research I looked it up...1400's originating in Germany Jesus never heard that word. I sometimes think he had a list somewhere of what we can't say...sort of like the FCC. 

So, it is how you use words...there is scripture that says something like: "Let not unclean things come from your mouth".  So bad words must have always existed.  This weekend at Confirmation retreat we talked about how what is in your heart many times comes out of your mouth.  Wow...I am in bad trouble!!

So I will continue to work on my speech and my heart...thank goodness God isn't done with me.

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