Saturday, April 9, 2011

that's why its called god moments

I had one again!
That moment when you know you are in the presence of God.  As if he was standing right there speaking to you!

I have been struggling lately. 

This morning...Saturday...the leader of the confirmation retreat, Ms Val took us in the sanctuary and told us to go to our own space within...find some place to spend time with God...I laid down on the last pew.  She walked us through a relaxation exercise and then told us to spend the next five minutes talking to God. 

I laid there and told God about my struggle.  How all I have ever asked for through all of this was my husband back, my life back, that the devil leave Mark and the temptation be removed from him.  Nothing has happened and I have struggled with that.  I thought I had faith that would move mountains....(how pious of me!!!)

He let me have it, he yelled at nice God here!  He was pissed...He told me this was his war...the age old war between he and Satan.  There were two souls at battle and this was his war to fight.  All along whenever I would break down (over the past two years) and pray this same thing....I would hear God say...step back..let me do my work...whenever I would get ready to send a text or a card to Mark...I would hear God say...I have work to do STOP....and I thought I had...Guess I was once again wrong.

So today God yelled at me and told me to mind my own business...the last thing I heard him say was....back away...Be still and know I am God...

about that time Ms. Val called us to sit up or pay attention...she asked if anyone had heard anything...none of the kids said a word...

she said...I heard something...God told me to "Be still and know I am God." 

GOD MOMENT!!...I was being reassured God was present and  in that place.  God listened to me.  God is telling me to back off...and let him do what he has to do.

I don't have to be told twice. 

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