Sunday, April 3, 2011

Rest areas

It was a long drive to and from the wedding.  8 hours each way.  Once I get in the car...I go!  Once in a while I need a rest stop and I stop at the rest areas along the interstate.  They are just that...a place to stop and rest for a minute.

This weekend was a rest area.  We all forgot everything...all of our worries and troubles and just enjoyed family time.  We forgot all the drama and enjoyed our time with each other.   Lilah, my little granddaughter had a lot of firsts, first time to a wedding and reception, first time to the beach, first time to a restaurant.  It was a beautiful wedding and a great, fun reception. We danced and sang Country Roads...for all of the Md folk!  They had a hoot of a first dance...they started the nice slow dance everyone was expecting and then broke into Mr. Roboto and kung fu was so funny...and was something BJ would do.  A good time was had by all.
God is a rest area.  When we need rest from our troubles, the drama of real life... go to him for rest.
Matthew 11:28 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."...doesn't that sound good?  I have not slept for three nights...and can't wait to say my prayers tonight and climb into my bed with my pups and sleep.  I am taking it all to God and let him have it and then have a good night's sleep.

Tomorrow is back to the real world but is all about rest areas!

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