Friday, April 15, 2011


A killdeer is a bird...they are the funniest little bird...if you come near their nest they will run away and act like they have a broken wing to distract you.  They build their nests in the strangest places and they are usually built with a pile of gravel or rocks...not the most comfortable nest to sit year we had a gravel pile in the back yard...on the very top there was a killdeer nest.

Every year we would laugh at their antics. The joke would be...when the babies hatch they are immediatly on the run...they don't stay in the nest...they take off...they are on the go...the poor parents never stop...they should learn birth control... they may have 3-4 broods a summer.  All those babies seem to stay with them throughout the by the end my yard will be full of killdeer.

This year they built in the middle of my gravel driveway...I knew I had been seeing one in the today when I stopped to get the mail there it I went looking and sure enough...three eggs in the middle of some gravel in the driveway...

I put a brick by the nest so I will make sure I don't run over would kill me to harm those eggs even though I did mention birth control....

You would think after all of these years those birds would learn where to build a nest...but I guess they do it for a reason...a reason we don't understand.

Boy sounds like our lives doesn't it...we should learn lessons but we never do!  There must be a reason for a lot of things...reasons we don't understand.  We just have to know one thing...God is there watching over us...and he sees it all...he sees the big picture that we can't even begin to imagine.  He knows why those killdeer build piles of rock in a certain place and why they act like they have a broken wing and why I lost a husband and why I had two great boys and why this big old world is the way it all makes sense to him...and it isn't my worry...I need to get out of his business and let him be God.

So go at it God...and thanks you've done a pretty good job so far!

PS:  I wrote this last when I was coming home from work something awful happened...I was coming in the driveway and the brick got stuck up under my car and smashed the eggs...all of them...I can still hear the killdeer lamenting...I feel sooooo bad...even the dogs are barking because of the birds awful.

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