Wednesday, May 18, 2011

it's right there on the tip of my tounge

I am not old...let me say that again, I am not old.  When I was in my early twenties I thought 50's were ancient and never thought I would be that old, ever!  Now I'm here.  Today at work I was trying to think of a word...the state facility where they grow those baby's right there on the tip of my tongue.  It, I can't get it...I know what it is but I just can't recall.  I was working on a marketing plan and I could not for the life of me think of the word "nursery"  trees!!

I just couldn't get it...I finally knew it was on our web site and went there to find the answer.  I hate that feeling of pure nothingness...I think all of the time...this is what Alzheimer's is like.  You just lose it for a minute or two....there is a know it but can't get it out of there!!

I imagine that is how life can be without Jesus in your life.  You feel know there should be more...there should be an answer in there just can't find it.  What does your life mean?  Don't have a clue...there is nothing there to bring forward.  How scary that must be.   Just as scary as it is when you can't pull that name out of your brain.

He is right there waiting...he can be your reminder...your web site to give the answer.  He can do it.  Just ask him.
So the word is NURSERY and the savior is JESUS.  Now don't forget it!

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