Tuesday, May 24, 2011

lay in the sun

I love to be in the sun.  This past Saturday I cut grass most of the afternoon and got burnt to a crisp.  I know it isn't good for my skin but I am one of those that came through the 70's pouring on baby oil and iodine to get a good tan.  I don't tan, I burn...it takes a while for me to finally tan.  I have two sons and one is like me...burns and one is like his dad...tans so easily.

I use a tanning bed during the winter and the tractor during the summer.  I went to get my yearly female exam and the doctor opened my gown to do a breast exam and she and  her nurse at the same time said...she tans!

I blame my mother...about the only thing I blame her for....when we were young and if we were sick, she would say...lay in the sun...you will feel better...any sickness, didn't matter the sun cured it...she will swear she did NOT tell us that...but just the other day I was with her when she told my brother, who just had leg surgery, to lay in the sun to heal that wound.

Don't they talk about that syndrome when you need "light therapy." 

Maybe there is some truth in that....the sun heals our wounds, it brings us healing.  The light of God heals us.  We go toward the light to find help for our hurts. We all need some light therapy!!

So I guess mom wasn't so crazy after all.  Go get some "son"shine.

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