Sunday, May 15, 2011


This week in Disciple class we are continuing with Ezekiel...the nut job...who I adore...when I was growing up in Wheeling there was a man who drove around town in this beat up car that had Jesus sayings written all over it...I hate to say that I made fun of him back I would say he was a modern day Ezekiel...that is probably how people in his day looked at him.

This week it is the lesson of the dry of my favorite stories in the bible...I have a very vivid imagination and can just picture this scene...death valley full of bones...he stands at one end and demands they raise up and God puts sinew on them and they walk...very Cecil B. DeMille or M. Night Shyamalan is probably more like it.

The story and ending chapters of Ezekiel speak of the redemption of the Israel people.  God still loves them and their future includes redemption, a journey home and a new temple.  God forgets and forgives. 

My life has come full circle. I realized today that I have a smile on my face.  Now it may be possible some attention from a gentle man helps but I feel good in my skin.  I feel good about me and my life.  I am happy.  I am sure if you look close you will see a twinkle in the eye!  I always think of the story of Job...which is what I started reading in the beginning of this journey...and he suffered...but the book ends with Job being blessed beyond imagination and that is what I feel God is giving me...blessings beyond imagination because during the suffering I questioned but never swayed from him...I am truly blessed.  I know where it all comes from...through suffering we find a closer walk with God and we find a true peace with God and the plan he has for our life.  We learn to trust him and walk with him.  I am walking...wherever I am led.
thanks be to you Lord!

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