Saturday, May 21, 2011

patience is a virtue

I don't have it!  That virtue...I think I have some virtues but not that one...maybe that's why that "be still and know I am God" scripture keeps repeating itself in my head.

One of my biggest flaws is I drive really day when I crash and burn you can say you heard it here.  I've been picked up for speeding many times...lately I have gotten only warnings...I must look ready to cry or something.  I've been to driving school...nothing helps...I am impatient...I am in a hurry...I want to get there!  That patience thing again.

Now this talking to men thing...I was married for 32 years...I have no patience with waiting for call backs...why do we have all of this new technology if not to talk instantly.  There are new rules out there and I am learning them.  I guess patience better be one of them!  Some things are worth waiting for!

I'm learning.

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