Tuesday, March 15, 2011

butterflies fly away

As many of you know my family is changing with the departure of my son, Nick to the west coast.  I am excited for this new adventure for him and his family... while sad because I won't have the daily contact that I have now with he, Jenn and the kids.

It seems like every day there is a pang of growth...never a growth spurt just a pang of change...over the past few weeks I've realized I am not stuck here.  That came as a jolt.

Once Nick and his family leave there is nothing holding me to Winfield WV...the house is my dream house...the house I always wanted...but it is just that...a house...four walls...it is what fills the house that I don't want to loose.  I love Zack being there racing his bike up and down the drive way...Taylor playing with the dogs...that is what makes it a home...I want Lilah to be inside my four walls...learning to walk and falling down.  I don't want to miss her growing up.

The time is coming and I can physically feel it...the decision is looming... I need to decide where I am going and what I will be doing...this is like a metamorphosis...that cocoon I've been in the past year and a half is getting tight and I am ready to poke out a wing real soon. 

Lent is about looking inside yourself but the season of Easter is all about blossoming...that butterfly awakening...that butterfly fly away, nodding my head like, moving my hips...ooops got carried away there...I think that is a song I've heard over and over and over..Easter is about renewal and rebirth...

There is no better time for me to be reborn than during this time...keep me in your prayers as I make these major life decisions...

Someone made the comment last night...we need to pray fully consider...and I need to pray fully consider this life calling.  Prayer is a powerful thing. One time a friend told me when I asked him to pray for something specifically he said...maybe we need to pray that God's will be done...and that is what I pray today...God's will be done.

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