Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hi ho hi ho its off to work we go

If I haven't said it...I love my job...
I am the product of a work consolidation that no one wanted to happen but me...23 of us came together and after the departure of  waves of folks and the hiring of new folks we are at 19.  We have been together five years now...I left a job that everyone envied but it was a job that kept me away from home three days of the week..and I missed my home...I was also stuck..I was a woman among a group of men...you can make conclusions and you would be right.  There was nowhere for me to go.

So, I left and joined a group of people who valued my opinion and where I was allowed to contribute to the conversation...and I LOVE it...I was lucky enough to be in on the establishment of a new agency within state government and an agency that was set up to be self sufficient....I love a challenge.

And the job is high tempo and fast paced and I am constantly busy.  I am also around a wonderful group of people who took care of me through this tough time in my life.  I spent months sitting at my desk and doing NO work...I was in a daze, I was numb, I kept my door shut and it took months before I even felt like doing the job that I loved...but thank goodness I have it...it keeps me busy...so busy during the day I don't have time to think.  Today was one of those crazy, wacky days that I thrive on.

And the people I came in contact through my job led me in directions I needed to go...I heard today one of them is retiring...after the divorce I had to sit down with our payroll guy and he took my hand and walked me through what I needed to do to get Mark off my insurance, off as my beneficiary...and all the tons of paperwork I had to do to wipe him out of my life.  I cried and he gave me tissues...I sobbed and he took his time...it was tough...and today I thanked him for being so gentle with me at that emotional time.

I know you've heard the line... God puts people in your life when you need them...some for a day...some for a year...and some for a lifetime...and I have watched as my life went on and the people I needed at that time  faded from it...it is pretty amazing when you think of it...how God knows just what you need right at that moment...I am so grateful for all of the people that have helped me through these past couple of years...

It is a great question to ponder...Does everyone we come in contact with have a purpose by God to be in our life?  Does he place them each carefully where we need them?  What about the evil people?  Do they have a purpose too? They definitely teach us something...

What if we miss someone put there just for us?..what if we walk past and don't bother to speak....and we miss the opportunity?

What do you think?  Has it happened to you?

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