Sunday, March 27, 2011

the tough questions

Yesterday was a day spent with my grandson, Zack.  He had spent the night on Friday and his sister had a bunch of stuff to do on Saturday so Zack and I just hung out all day.  We watched movies, he played video games a lot!, we played geocache in the house. (He hid one I had to find it.) It was a great normal and ordinary game.

Friday night we found the golf ball retriever and Zack said look he didn't take it.  It made me stop and think about all that he has heard about this divorce and how it plays in his eyes.  He always asks me the tough questions.  He has told me he doesn't want to move (they are moving in June to the state of Washington...clear across the country) because he doesn't want me to be alone.  He has told me he will come back and stay with me.  I think he really worries about me.  I try to reassure him all is OK.  I will visit him often but he has figured it won't be the same.

Yesterday he asked...What do you do here when you are all alone?  I gave him a list...and he responded you are so alone...I told him to look at all the dogs laying around the room and ask himself was that true.  He smiled...and then said "You forgot to say you watch TV".

The tough questions are hard to answer.  They know their pappy did something wrong.  They know no one talks to him but their mom.  They know we are divorced.  If they are like me they've made up quite a story.
They do see pappy and that is good. 

The tough questions.  When they come you have to think before you answer.  You worry, have you said the right thing.  Some of them you can't answer. Some of them you just have to say "I don't know." 

Last week at Sunday School the youth talked about Revelations..which will blow your mind but also raises tons of questions.  They asked me some tough ones about death and I had to explain...some things we don't know...I wish I could tell you this is how it will be, but I don't know.  I do know I trust God to do what he has told me he will do, if I do what he has asked me to do.

Our job is to trust the Lord.  His job is to carry me.  He has done a pretty good job so far getting me through my Revelation (my new name for the last two years) and I trust he will get me through more.

And I thank him and praise him.

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