Wednesday, March 16, 2011

it isn't what it seems

This divorce and adultry has had some wierd consequesnces for me... i think and believe nothing is what it seems...there are motives to everything...nothing is done just because.

I see two people together in a parking lot and I think...they are having an affair...
I see two people not talking at dinner...he is cheating on her...
I see a man in a sports car and "Born to be Wild" blasting out of radio and I think...mid-life crisis
I see a single man and I now look immediatly for their wedding ring or ring line (Mark never wore one...that should have told me something! Wonder if Kathy can get him to wear one)
I see these pictures on e-harmony and think...what do men think?  A few extra pounds can be seen in your profile picture.

The internet has a language all of its own!
What's with these online profile names? and all these Harley references?
I read in the book "Still Hot"
If his profile says:
I'm looking for my soul mate:   He's been out there for a long time, and will remain there...
If it says would like a non-demanding woman:  He has intimacy issues.
I'm semi-retired:  He occasionaly gets up out of the barcalounger to look through his Start Your Own Business book shelf.
I quit the rat race:  He spends his days in an overstuffed armchair at Barnes and Noble reading Hustler for free.
He describes his body type as "above average":  He only looks in the mirror on the medicine cabinet.
He says I've been told I am handsome:  Yea by his mom!

Divorce does crazy things to you...and one is not believing a word anyone says, or trusting anyone, wanting to know everything about someone just to make sure he has never hurt another woman.
I know God tells us not to judge others...but really, some men...
I know God tells us to trust him with our own heart, lean not on our own smarts...

 God is a man (maybe a man) I can trust in...

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