Saturday, March 5, 2011

today I am gradeful for...

For the past 10 years I have finished my day by listing 3 things that I am grateful for that day.  There has NEVER (even during my darkest hours) been a day that I can't find something to be thankful for....

When I go back and read the things they remind me of good days...I can remember times the kids were here, times we took the kids to college and dropped them off, times the grand kids were here and maybe sick, all great memories.

Zack was walking down a dirt road the other day with my friend Angie and me...and he stooped and picked up a rock...and said to me...remember when pappy and I would go and dig up potato rocks?  He got real sad and said...those were good memories...and sad memories...he lagged behind and got very quiet...I wonder about the memories they take with them...they are encouraged to remember those good things...but I know they miss them.

What if you never thanked God for all of those little moments?  I remember the book "Tuesday's with Morrie" Mitch asked Morrie if he could have just one perfect day what would it be...and Morrie said a normal day...with all of the day to day things that you would miss if you didn't have them...the call from a friend, the note in the mail, a drawing from one of the grand kids...all of that day-to-day stuff. 

Thank you case I don't say it enough...thanks for the everyday life that is Kim's...I am grateful for all of it...even those tough times....I say thank you!

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